The answer to this taunting question is moving forward, growing, developing and eventually, leaving a rich legacy behind you. If you agree, your ideals match Eucto’s. Read on to know how this is done.

The new mantra for building a business is 3x/10x transformation. The growth of your business is formulated in a way that it ensues further growth. 

Now, how do we enable the growth to 3x or 10x?

Our many verticals are designed to transform people, strategy, technology and marketing of your business. 

People transformation

People transformation centers on your employees, who are the face of your brand & the business, and your trusted associates. One solid truth is you can hardwire your process but without people, the process won’t get anywhere. People transformation starts with finding the right talent for the right place at the right time. We aid you in acquiring and sustaining that talent with motivation, valuation, and appreciation. Also, it is very important to retain once hired. We help you build a performance-driven culture to keep your people on their feet. Yes, transformation starts with your people. 

Now, branding defines your business in the long run. It differentiates and makes your business stand out from your competition. We build a niche in that line for your business with, 

Ideal Brand strategy

The process involves drawing up a set of guidelines that makes your customers satisfied. The strategy makes sure that it resonates with your business and thus, branding. The logo, colour, and fonts might modify over years but the essence of it – the brand strategy – is stable. The brand strategy states the purpose of your business, how it services the customer, and how you differ from your competitors.

Right brand psychology

Research is done on your customers to understand their mindset. We establish your business’s Unique Selling Point to entice your customers. They are made to come back through good service, quality products, and distinct amenities. Once the strategy is set and psychology analysed, it is time to implement these through visuals – logo, creative designs, font, content, and tagline. The branding is made prominent through appealing visuals and branding kits. 

How do you establish your brand once you have created the brand kit?

Your branding is marketed through all and every medium that are easily accessible to the customers – A 360° approach. Both digital and direct, for both businesses and customers.

Digital Marketing

The more recent type of marketing that rose after the prominence of digitalization. Here are a few ways we market digitally.

Growth Marketing

It starts with growth marketing, which builds your customer relationship. Optimise a way for the customers to create a positive perception of your brand. It brings customers in, builds trust, and makes them come back using digital tools.

Performance Marketing

This is result-based marketing where the result earns pay. It has cost per click, cost per lead, cost per impression and so on.


Business-to-Business marketing strategies for business enterprises to sell their product and services.


Business-to-Customer is marketing done with customers as the direct target audience.

Direct/Traditional marketing

It is a way of marketing by approaching the customers directly and through television, broadcast, newspaper, and other offline platforms.

Marketing campaigns will get your business in the hearts of the customers and Google. That is everything, everyone strives for. There are many ways to approach marketing. Initially, you have to research your target audience and run campaigns at the right time

Target audience

 ‘Advertising for everyone is advertising for no one.’ It is true for any product. People are diverse and their priorities vary. We do our research on your target audience and market the products/services accordingly. You can see the logic in that.


Right campaigns are run at the right time. You know how trends change every day, today. We launch our campaigns appropriately to gain the most leads. Offline campaigns are done to attract the rest of the population and to make the product noticeable at every turn.


The approach makes the people get used to your product, brand, and company.


The goal so far has been to make the name of your business turn into nouns and verbs for the products themselves

How do we do what we do and why?

That’s where strategies come into play. The action plan for your business towards the goal past the maze that is today’s business environment. The first step is to set the goals after a thorough research of the marketer, competitors, and customers. And then comes the strategic planning for the business to set forth the steps to achieve the goals. In Eucto, we help you make the right decisions to get closer to your objective.


Elements of strategy

Playing field

Compiling your products, and services and directing them through the right distribution channel. This requires squaring in on the geographic areas and industry.


To decide on what your product represents. It might be low cost, premium cost, quality, easy accessibility, etc. We formulate your USP to differentiate yourself from the competitors.


To identify the improvements that would increase the probability, profitability, and customer satisfaction.


To think about the need for expansion of the business based on the right time, place, and human capital. More importantly, only if it adds value to the current performance. 


To analyse the profitability of the business based on the economic values that are instilled in your customers.


Not many business people are aware of the magic of technology. It is not about replacing people with technology – that would rid you of the essence of your business. Instead, technology is used as a replacement for time-consuming and mind-numbing work that can be automated. It is always recommended to invest in the technology and we’ll implement and introduce you to the world of ease. 


When all this is said and done, the 3x/10x growth is inevitable. As Hiroshika Mikitani, CEO and founder of Rakuten said once you achieve this milestone you have to revamp from the beginning. 


Don’t be disgruntled because we will do it because we have already done it for you with success.

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