marketing transformationWhat is the use of voice search in digital marketing?

The Power of Speaking Up: How Voice Search is Revolutionizing Digital Marketing Agency

“Hey Siri, find me the best pizza place nearby.”  

“Ok Google, show me bikes under rupees 500.”   

“Alexa, play my road trip playlist.” 

What do all of these statements have in common? They use voice commands to ask a question or request something. This is called voice search, and it’s totally changing the game when it comes to marketing. 

See, in the past, searching mostly involved typing words into a little search bar. But now, more 

and more people ― especially young folks like you ― are searching using their voices instead. 

And this new way of searching is creating all kinds of new opportunities for businesses to 

connect with customers.  

Why Use Your Voice Instead of Typing? 

Good question! Here are some of the biggest benefits of voice search: 

It’s way faster. Just ask your question out loud instead of pecking it out letter by letter.  

It’s perfect for multitasking. You can search while cooking, driving, folding laundry, pretty much 

anything. No need to stop what you’re doing to pull out your phone or computer. 

It feels more natural. Speaking comes intuitively, while typing still involves some effort. Using 

your voice can actually feel fun! 

It’s great for detailed questions. Instead of a couple keywords, you can ask a full, conversational 

question to find exactly what you want. 

Still not convinced? Well, while typing still has its place, voice is definitely taking over. In fact, 

30% of all searches are expected to be voice searches by 2023. And most voice-assisted 

searching happens on smartphones, which means a young, on-the-go crowd is leading the way. 

Ok, But What Does This Have to Do with Marketing? 

Everything! All these people searching with their voices are changing the kinds of things 

marketers have to focus on. The old way of marketing isn’t cutting it anymore ― businesses have 

to shift strategies to show up when customers speak their questions, not just type keywords.  

It’s a huge transition. But making the effort to nail voice search gives companies a major 

advantage over the competition. Being voice search optimized helps brands stay visible, even as more typed searches turn into spoken questions.  

So how can businesses connect with audiences through voice? Here are three key elements to 

focus on: 

Natural Language Optimization   

In the past, marketing focused heavily on keywords that people might type into a search engine. 

But now, search queries come in the form of full sentences and questions. So instead of 

cramming content with repetitive keywords, brands need to use more conversational language 

that sounds natural when READ ALOUD. This helps their website, ads, and product listings 

actually answer spoken questions. 

Featured Snippets  

Featured snippets are those boxed answers that sometimes show up at the top of Google results, above the normal links. They provide a direct answer to the search query right away. And Google favors featured snippets that comprehensively ANSWER THE QUESTION ―

perfect for voice search! So marketers should focus on getting their brand’s content into that prime featured snippet spot whenever possible. 

Reviews and Conversational Content 

You know what helps convince people that a business understands voice search? Natural 

sounding content like REVIEWS and CONVERSATIONS! Seriously, reviews show the brand 

actively listening and responding to customers. And conversational content like podcasts or 

videos demonstrates a ability to literally converse. Both build trust and authority that this brand 

will understand and answer voice queries. So marketers should find ways to incorporate genuine reviews and conversational content as part of their strategy. 

Voice Search Success Stories 

Still wondering if all this voice search focus really makes a difference? Well, just look at some 

examples of brands totally rocking the voice game! Patagonia saw a 400% increase in clicks and sales after optimizing for conversational keyphrases like “best fleece jackets.” So when someone asks Google for the best fleece jackets, Patagonia’s content shows up with the answer. Or take Skyscanner, a travel booking site.

They focused hardcore on featured snippets, going from 0 snippets to over 250! No surprise that 65% of their traffic now comes directly from Google ― lots of those voice searchers clicking right to Skyscanner to book their trips. 

And Best Western hotels massively grew their reservation conversions by having reviews 

integrated with Google Assistant. People love chatting with Assistant to get hotel suggestions, 

and seeing those real reviews influences their choice. A true voice search win! Pretty inspiring, right? And these kinds of voice search optimizations barely scratch the surface of what’s possible. Every day there are new opportunities to connect with the voice audience. 

Speaking to the Future   

So voice search is clearly changing the whole digital marketing game. From young Gen Zers 

chatting with their devices to busy parents multitasking hands-free to tech lovers trying the latest 

innovations ― all kinds of people are searching with their voices.  

And even though voice still makes up a fraction of total searches today, it’s growing at an insane 

rate. Forward-looking brands that start optimizing for voice search now will have a huge 

advantage as voice continues to develop. They’ll understand what resonates in this 

conversational world ― not just with keywords, but with how actual humans ask questions and 

make decisions.  

So go ahead, start speaking up and getting your brand voice out there! Be helpful, be genuine, be human. Meet customers where they are, not just where they used to be. Who knows ― maybe one day people will be name-dropping YOUR BRAND to their smart assistants! 

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