Why more companies are turning towards Mentorship programmes?
Certainly! Mentorship is a valuable aspect of professional growth, and offering effective mentorship can contribute significantly to the success of individuals and teams. If Eucto, or any mobile app development company, emphasizes mentorship, they might provide the following tips:
‘Mentoring’ would be the last word one might associate with a company or a corporate. We all assume, at least, that Mentoring does not have a positive answer to the ‘what’s-in-it-for’ question especially when directed towards a company. However, times have changed and companies indeed are turning towards Mentorship programmes. Okay… But, WHY?
Before that, what is a Mentorship Programme?
Any company that is willing to take their workforce to the next level, organizes Mentorship programmes. The key purpose of these formal programmes is to connect with employees on a personal level, transfer knowledge, and build relationships for the future. A structured programme is often a one-to-one relationship in the workplace, where senior employees, the mentors connect with their mentees to fulfil the programme’s purposes.
Nevertheless, there is no one size fits all in Mentoring. What works for one company might not work for another. That is why Mentorship programmes comes in various types, models, and techniques. The most common types are
- One-on-One Mentoring
- Group Mentoring
- Peer Mentoring
- Distance or E-Mentoring
- Reverse Mentoring
- Speed Mentoring and
- Flash Mentoring
Companies in different countries have different durations depending on what works for them, starting from a minimum of 2 months to a lifetime.
What’s in it for the Companies and why the change in trend?
Every company likes a productive workforce whereas every employee looks for job satisfaction. It is common knowledge that only a satisfied workforce makes for a potentially productive workforce. And if effective mentorship programmes have proved to make both of this happen, then why would a company hesitate? But how so have these programmes proved?
- First, Forbes 2019 release has this stunning statistics of how effective these programmes can be and why it should concern us. “70% of Fortune 500 companies have a Mentorship programme, although only one fourth of small companies have one.” To an enlightened eye, this might even seem, and rightly so, that companies that have mentorship programmes have high chances of becoming one among the fortune 500s than the ones that do not have any. As objectionable as it may sound, the evidence speaks for itself.
- Secondly, getting an employee and getting an employee to stay are two different things. Even more, the same factors that take employees to the top are not usually enough to retain them in the company. That is where mentorship pitches in. Because smart people in smart companies are aware that employees’ needs and organizational needs do not go hand in hand and hence the need for a bridge, in the form of a Mentor, who’s primary role would be to bridge gaps between the both.
- Thirdly, there is no better way than offering Mentorship programmes to let the employees know that their company actually gives a hoot about them. The very idea that their company desires to see its people develop and grow alongside, not only gives a sense of ownership but also makes working more enjoyable.
Obvious advantages of the Mentees
As much as it is in a company’s best interest to capitalize on its greatest resources i.e., the employees, the employees, also in turn benefit from the company’s Mentorship programmes. Simply put, Progress & Productivity and Pay grade & Promotion go hand in hand. So if it is quite evident that mentorship programmes improve progress and productivity of employees, it is only normal that the other P’s follow. Well, who doesn’t like the other P’s!
What good is it for the Mentors?
‘Mentoring’ is a two way street. It is usually mutually beneficial. Sometimes, the longer the programme, the better. This is because while the mentees try and learn whatever is learnable, the mentors keep developing their leadership skills and move forward. In the end, the mentors might also have the pleasure of watching their mentees become mentors.
According to a 2013 study, “Career Benefits Associated with Mentoring for Mentors,” published in the Journal of Vocational Behaviour, mentors when compared with non-mentors were identified to be more satisfied with their jobs and had a stronger sense of commitment to the organization as a whole.
If not, then what?
Not opting for Mentorship programmes undoubtedly has its consequences. We do not expect employees to work without first giving them proper tools to work with. Likewise, expecting high performances, personal talent, professional growth and lasting relationship between the company and its workers, without first laying proper foundation makes these expectations seem unfair.
It is only right that we equip those from whom we expect.
Because in order to do, one must know. In order to be productive, one must be aware of the know-hows and that is precisely what a mentor will do. He/She will lead by example by not only transferring abstract guidance and advices but also imparting technical expertise and knowledge. Missing out on this will only back fire on the company and most companies know that. They also know that this is not something to be overlooked but embraced. And hence the increased inclination of companies towards Mentorship programmes.
Quick tip
If the conservative approach towards Mentorship programmes doesn’t interest you, here’s something that might. “Reverse Mentoring”. This takes place when younger employees mentor the senior employees. With all the traditional role flipping that is happening, young workers of today have more than a thing or two to teach the veterans. The intent will be to sharpen the senior most employees’ skills in technology, equipping them with most recent updates in market place, social media and innovations. If you are confident that your recruiting skills are matchless and you are hiring the best there is, Reverse Mentoring is something you might want to consider.
Mentorship programmes are by far widely received. The companies gain appreciation for what they do for their employees and the employees become mindful of their contribution to the companies. For these reasons and much more, if companies have not thought about giving this a shot so far, it is high time they did. Having said all this, it is no secret that companies are turning towards Mentorship programmes. After all, who hates a win-win.
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